
Posts Tagged ‘History’

            Welcome to Beyond Faith! My journey started as most do, I was after the girl. Well, I did get the girl, and we became rather serious. With this, she had some deal breakers and religion was one of them. I have always been what I believe to be a moral and religious guy; I just was not sure about this Jesus fellow and all the stories about him. She joked that I was Jewish and just did not know it. On the religion subject, we argued, we debated back and forth, and it was getting to the point that I was going to lose her if something did not change.

            So I started doing some research on Christianity and why people so strongly believe in Jesus and this magical book called the Bible. I talked with her on the subject and found that she has always believed because that was the way she was raised; there was never a question for her on ‘what if.’ So I had to dig deeper and find the answers myself if I was going to find out why I should believe.

            So skip ahead in the story about 4 years, now I am a leader at our church and read very heavily into apologetics, which translates into the defense of the Christian faith. For me the journey was not about blindly following what my parents told me. It was about a path that led me Beyond Faith. While my faith is now strong, I still walk the path today trying to lead those I find to Jesus Christ. Join me won’t you!

By the way, I still got the girl. 🙂

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